Undoubtedly Balbin belongs to that group of fine artists of the XXI century, and is becoming one of the best Spanish impressionist painters of our time.
The color, style and quality that he gives his works are synonymous with differentiation. His works take on an increasingly distinctive personality, being a reminiscence of the previous century Spanish masters in this kind of themes, such as the great Ferreira.
Balbin uses his talent with a wide range of different topics, but his specialty are traditional Andalusians themes: Patios, gardens, horses, carriages, El Rocío scenes, bullfighting, etc. ….
For collectors, this is a great investment opportunity, since he is a mature but still young painter with a career that is in clear progression; quality and talent will rise up his artwork value sooner than later.
Awards and honors
Gold Medal and Diploma of Honor in Drawing and Painting from the promotion of the 1991 and 1994 National Fine Arts School of Lima, Peru.
Trainee carrying out research studies on Iberoamerican Painting in La Ravida International University of Huelva, Spain.
Some of his exhibitions
– Charity Exhibition at House of Pinelos, former Academy of Fine Arts.
– Latin American Painters. Casa de Campo, América Pavillion. Madrid, Spain.
– Iberoamerican Painting at the Iberoamerican University of La Rábida. Huelva, Spain.
– Five Peruvian Painters, in the Cultural Hall of the Museum of the Organization of American States OAS. Washington DCEUA
– Young Peruvian Painters in the Cultural Hall of the East Field College. Texas, USA
Academic trainging
Doctoral Course (Teaching Phase of the Doctoral Program in Painting and Restoration). University of Seville, Faculty of Fine Arts. Since 1999. Seville, España.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, specializing in painting. National School of Fine Arts of Peru. Lima, Perú.
Additional training
Member of the school of Pottery and Restoration of Plaza de España, Seville.